Showing 7 Result(s)

Making the Switch: Toxic to Clean

After seeing a naturopath for quite some time now, I’ve taken it upon myself (per my doctor’s suggestion) to switch to a cleaner regimen wherever I can. It’s crazy that the world in which we live is so toxic to us, whether we realize it or not. It’s even crazier that we aren’t aware of …

30 DAY CHALLENGE DAY 6 4-27 – My Favorite Breakfast at the Moment

Let’s talk breakfast. Arguably the best meal of the day. (Dessert isn’t considered a meal right?) Anyway I have had this breakfast on repeat for months now. I crave it and every morning I enjoy every single bite of it. It’s healthy, it’s easy, and the best part, it’s prepped in advance, so all you …

My Morning Non-Negotiables

1. Warm lemon water Yes. It’s that simple. When you wake up after a good 7-8 hours of sleep (in a perfect world lol) you are dehydrated. It’s the fact of the matter. Yeah you can reach over for your Hydro Flask and sip on that, but I suggest you get up, grab your favorite …

How I Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

1. I take note of my inner self So much of “being healthy” comes from within, despite popular belief. You can look like a million bucks on the outside, but if you don’t feel at peace with yourself internally then how you look on the outside becomes obsolete. When I genuinely FEEL good I am …