30 DAY CHALLENGE DAY 12 5-3 – Put Your Phone on Do Not Disturb

Do it, don’t question it.

Ever since I put my phone on Do Not Disturb, and left it, the game has been changed. I no longer react to my phone or my notifications. When I check my phone, it’s a choice that I make. I have regained control over myself and my device, which is one of the more liberating feelings out there. So many of us allow technology to take over. It’s supposed to enhance us and our communication and our connections, not control them! It’s time to start doing things on your terms, out of choice and desire, not out of dictation and control. How many of us are nearly trained to answer a text within seconds? Or to open that Snapchat right when our phone dings? Or to get lost in mindless scrolling because notification after notification traps us and our energy?

If you feel like you are confined to your device, it’s time to actually make a change. Let’s be realistic, none of us are going to live life without our phones or laptops or watches or any device. We’re not. We live in the 21st century, and it’s simply not realistic to give up things that are a part of our everyday lives. So let’s take an approach that is realistic, yet beneficial for our minds, our relationships, and quite literally our well-being.

I challenge you to put your phone on Do Not Disturb and see how much your screen time diminishes and your reactive state lessens. I challenge you further to start and end your day without feeling the need to be on your phone. You don’t need your phone 24/7, you think you need your phone 24/7. The ball may not be in your court, so let’s get it there. It’s up to you to make the change and instill the change into every single day. Try it out and see how you feel. I guarantee you’ll feel better — you’ll regain control over yourself, instead of letting a 5 inch piece of metal dictate your every move. Let 2020 be a year based on your own terms, nobody else’s. Im telling you, Do Not Disturb will kickstart that for you.
