30 DAY CHALLENGE DAY 10 5-1 – A Relatable Rant That You Needed to Hear Too

Now I’m all for positive platforms, but not everything is sunshine and rainbows all of the time, so transparency rules perfection. Not everything is great all of the time and that’s okay. It’s okay to feel so out of touch with yourself and your life. It doesn’t feel good to not feel good, but we have the power to bring ourselves back to a place of positivity. Getting back to that good feeling state is the goal, but that doesn’t make the present struggle any easier.

Raise your hand if you tell yourself to do one thing and you end up doing the opposite. *raises hand* Raise your hand if you’ve fallen into a pattern of confusion despite your efforts to reconnect with yourself. *raises hand* Raise your hand if you just need to let it out for two seconds to feel some sense of relief. *raises hand* Basically this is me having a conversation with myself, but writing it out and sharing it in hopes that at least one person out there can relate. I’ve found myself in this erratic pattern of telling myself I’m going to reconnect with who I know myself to be at my core, but constantly falling out of touch with that effort. It’s a battle of me versus me. I’m the only one in the way of who I want to become. It’s so much easier to place the blame on the people around you, to fall back into your self-sabotaging ways, and to even feel bad for yourself and your low state. But focusing on those things doesn’t bring any light to the darkness that you or I are feeling. That’s the thing.

As much as I can rant and share my struggles, doing so isn’t going to get me any closer to where I want to be. But, it does bring me closer to relief and with relief comes natural solutions, as Gabby Bernstein suggests. In all honesty, me sharing this in a written form allows me to spill my thoughts out and process what I’m thinking and feeling. That brings me closer to relief. And I hope as you read this, you become closer to relief too.

I want to be my best self, but I have to stop expecting it to just happen without putting in the work. I need to pinpoint areas in my life that I am proud of and undergo maintenance for those that need fixing. As much as it’s okay to feel your feelings and be sad and down and disappointed in yourself and your circumstances, staying in that place is even worse. I need to find the power within me to back my desires with actions that support me, not limit me. I hope you find the strength to do the same. Whoever we want to be, whatever we want to do, we must surrender ourselves to a place of good vibrations and surpass the limitations our minds create for us. Those limitations are just illusions anyway. Wherever our minds go, we go. This is a concept I wholeheartedly believe in. And just because I believe in it, doesn’t mean I don’t need a reminder from time to time. Writing this all out, sharing my thoughts with you and myself, is my reminder that I attract what I put out.

Today begins a new month, a fresh start, a clean slate. Today I choose to realign myself with the support I need to reconnect with my soul. I choose to dig deeper and pinpoint areas of abundance and grace and attract more of that. I choose to overcome the limitations I’ve set for myself, as they are simply just illusions that inhibit my growth. Positivity is my choice. Realignment is my choice. Backing up what I so deeply desire with actions to make it happen is my choice. I trust that what is meant for me will be for me, and that there is a plan much greater than my own. I hope you find it within yourself to join me on a path that feels good for your soul. A power greater than our own will guide us to where we want to be, but it is up to us to put those desires out into the Universe. It starts with us and our willingness. So, please, let your rant run its course, but don’t let it be your course. Here’s to our right to choose, but more importantly choosing ourselves and choosing the light.
