30 DAY CHALLENGE DAY 22 5-13 – How Setting Out to Reach 10,000 Steps a Day Changed My Life

Quarantine has got me going a bit stir crazy. I am sure most of you can relate to me on that. But, one thing that has really helped me in terms of mental clarity, physical health, and commitment, has been pushing myself to walk 10,000 steps at least 5/7 days per week. The 2 day buffer is for rainy or cold days, off days, or simply just lazy days. I didn’t want to set out for 7/7 days to then let myself down. Hitting 10,000 steps every. single. day. isn’t realistic for me, so I made sure to set a goal that was attainable, yet challenging.

Part of my morning routine has been going for a walk, outside, in the fresh air, around my neighborhood, and I genuinely look forward to it each morning. A quick 30 minute walk around the block gets me moving, gets me outside, and most importantly allows me to soak up the sunshine and the nature around me. To hit that 10,000 step goal, I find myself going on multiple walks a day, but my non-negotiable has been my morning walk. I’ve already worked out, showered, and kept up on my water intake, so by the time my morning walk comes around I can breathe for a bit, take it easy, and have some time for myself. Truthfully, it has become therapeutic.

How I choose to spend my time during my step endeavors differs depending on the day. Somedays I listen to a podcast while my phone stays in my pocket. Other days I am organizing my day in my Notes app, or listening to music, or walking in silence with my thoughts, or even writing a blog post. I just go with the flow of each day and adjust accordingly. If I want my walk to double as a productivity event, I will make it just that. But if I want my walk to just be for me, I’ll make it a point to stay off my phone and appreciate the world around me, truly being present in the moment. Either way setting this goal has positively impacted me and my life. It gives me a goal to reach, but also provides my mind, body, and soul with an escape to all of the chaos and uncertainty going on in the world.

Start small with your step goal. Work your way up to 10,000. Or maybe you’re already killing it with the step game, aim for 15k. Honestly whatever works for you, go with that. All I am saying is that this combination of movement, fresh air, achievement, and really just self-care has changed my life for the better, and I encourage you to try it out in hopes of experiencing the same.
